Local Place Plan
The Community Council is aiming to ratify the Draft Local Place Plan at the C&SCC meeting on thursday 6th February, and the plan is to submit the draft to D&G Council w/c 10th February. The draft LPP can be viewed below.

The Local Place Plan is a significant initiative established by the Scottish Government which is being fully supported by the Colvend and Southwick Community Council. It provides an opportunity for everybody in the Community to influence the future development of almost every aspect of the area.
Latest draft of the Local Place Plan (click & scroll to see full plan latest changes are shown in red):
Colvend & Southwick Community Council – Local Place Plan – Consultation number 2
Thank you to all those who contributed to the second Local Place Plan survey. This survey is based on the ideas that you put forward in the initial LPP survey last year. We are seeking residents’ wider views regarding which of those ideas have broad support, to enable us to prepare a detailed draft Local Place Plan for submission to Dumfries & Galloway Council.
Below you will find a link to the Consultation 2 results.
Local Place Plans are established under Scottish Government January 2022 legislation are more than just a plan:
- They can help communities understand what they want to be like in the future and help to develop a positive community identity.
- They can help develop local connections and collaborations and develop community capacity and improve social capital.
- They can support community aspirations on the big challenges for a future Scotland, such as responding to the global climate emergency and tackling inequalities.
- They are an opportunity for real, community-based change.
Our Local Place Plan development will start with a simple conversation with as many members of the community as possible and will ask for their views, aspirations and comments on all aspects of the quality of where we live. Over the coming weeks and months, we would expect extensive community engagement and consultation through a variety of methods in order to develop a Colvend & Southwick Local Place Plan.
Dumfries & Galloway Council have produced a video outlining the scheme Local Place Plans – Dumfries and Galloway Council – YouTube.
There are more details are available on the D&G Council website at Local Place Plans – What are they? – Dumfries and Galloway Council (dumgal.gov.uk) with further links to the process.
Our Local Place plan boundaries correspond to the boundaries of the Colvend & Southwick Community Council. If you want to know the boundary of our Community Council, you can see it here: Community Council Boundaries (arcgis.com).
A sub group of the Community Council (the so called LPP Team) has been established to progress the development of place plan under the guidance of a local consultant.
If you have ideas that you would like the Local Place Plan team to consider incorporating into the plan, please email these to colvendconnect@gmail.com.
You can read the Minutes of the LPP Meetings by following the links below, or if you are viewing on a mobile phone, go to the tab above for a better view.
Also below is a link to the slide content from the presentation on 31 March 2023.