The Colvend & Southwick Community Council normally meets the first Thursday of each month except January and August when there are no meetings. Our local events page will keep you up to date. Alternatively, refer to the minutes of the last meeting or email The meetings are held in Colvend Public Hall, Colvend, Dalbeattie, DG5 4QD commencing at 7.00 pm.
Colvend and Southwick Community Council, as with all the other Community Councils, plays an important role in allowing members of the community to raise a variety of issues. The Dumfries & Galloway Council website has a comprehensive overview of the structure and duties of Community Councils. Click the link here to go to their Community Council’s page. The Scottish Government also has a website devoted to Community Councils, which highlights their important role. You can visit this here.
You can normally see who are your current Community Councillors by following this link to a Dumfries & Galloway council website. Please contact them if you have a local issue you wish them to follow up on. Alternatively, come along to a meeting. Members of the public are always welcome to attend Community Council meetings – just come along.
Minutes of Colvend & Southwick Community Council following each meeting are published every month and you will find the recent individual month’s minutes listed below. Meeting minutes will be a draft version until formally adopted at the following meeting. If you wish even earlier minutes, please email the secretary at
The community council is a statutory consultee and each week councillors are informed of any new planning applications and decisions in our area. The most recent notifications are summarised here. You can also see full details of all planning applications by searching the planning section of the Dumfries & Galloway website and inputting, say, “Colvend” to see relevant applications. Occasionally, the community council considers that a planning application is likely to be of interest to the general community and circulates the details more widely.
Scottish Water held a meeting in January 2024 to consult with the residents of Kippford on their proposals for a new wastewater treatment plant. The feedback from the meeting persuaded Scottish Water to withdraw their plans and consider alternatives.
The Community Council undertakes various projects. Most months, a comprehensive project report is available and you will find it and earlier copies under the Your Community Council tab.
There is a proposal to enlarge the Caravan Site at Sandyhills that is creating some controversy. Those opposed to this development have created a Facebook page that you can view here.
Colvend and Southwick Community Council also has a Facebook Page.
Meeting Minutes 2024
Meeting Minutes 2023