Colvend Public Hall
Colvend Public Hall Colvend, Dalbeattie, DG5 4QD
Registered charity SCO 47442
Chairman: Robert Dinwiddie (
Colvend Public Hall was built in 1933 by fund raising within the local community. It is owned by the community and is operated on their behalf by a management committee, supervised by a group of trustees. The Committee normally meets most months, though latterly by Zoom, but on different times of the month to accomodate the various committee members. Everybody in the community is entitled and welcome to attend any meeting – just come along. Every local organisation is entitled to a place on the management committee.
The Hall has a stage, excellent acoustics, free WiFi, and a sound system including a hearing loop. It has an up-to-date kitchen. It has recently had the floor stripped and resealed. With the redecoration that took place last year, the Hall is looking particularly attractive. It is suitable for concerts, private parties or wedding receptions. There is ample parking.
For meeting enquiries or to book the Hall, contact the Bookings Secretary John Coates at
The principal regular event is the Colvend Produce and Makers Market. This takes place every fourth Saturday of the month from March to November from 10.00am to 2.00pm. Last year saw its 10th Anniversary. It is still operating on an ‘order in advance’ basis. A wide variety of local produce and crafts are on sale. Admission is free and refreshments are available. If you are a producer and want to know how to participate, please telephone Annette Need on 01556 630490 or email
The Pizza Wagon producing delicious wood fired pizzas is now visiting the car park every fourth Friday of the month. Check out its Facebook page for the latest information.
The Solway Buoys and the Solway Shegulls Sea Shanty Singers meet at the hall on Mondays Shegulls 5:15 – 7:15pm Buoys 7:30 – 9:30pm
On Tuesdays, the Colvend Indoor Sports Club meets. Come along for indoor bowls or table tennis. Annual membership £15.00 and £2.00 per attended session (aged 16 and under £8.00 and £1.00). Simply come along to see if it is for you or ring 07808 071010 for more information.
For badminton players, the Colvend & District Badminton Club Badminton Club is a small but enthusiastic group and play most Wednesdays in Colvend Public Hall from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. It is a friendly bunch and more adult players would be welcome.
It only costs £2 per session and spare racquets are available. Club contact Gavin Chambers 07824636863.
The largest event of the year is the Colvend Southwick and Kirkbean Parish Church Sale. This has been running for over 100 years and takes place on the second Thursday of August each year. Sadly, some of the sales in the last few years were cancelled because of Covid, but sales returned in August 2023 and again in 2024. There is more information here.