Community Council Minutes April 2024


Thursday 4 April 2024 at 7.00 pm in Colvend Public Hall


PRESENTChair – Roderick Morriss (RM), Vice Chair – Simon Pain (SWP), Secretary – Gordon Webster (GW), Treasurer - John Rowland (JR); Elected CCs: John Coates (JC), Kenneth Coltart (KC), Matthew Pumphrey (MP), Tracey Roan (TR); Co-opted CC: Elspeth Collins-Taylor (ECT); Local Cllr: Davie Stitt (DS); Kippford Association Representative – David Butler (DB); Minute Secretary – Gwen Coates (GC)

MEMBERS OF THE PUBLICFrank and Sue Gourlay (FG, SG), Tom Nicol (TN), Clive Sinclair (CS), Save Sandyhills Group (SSG) – Peter Shaw (PS)


APOLOGIESElected CC: Kristine Filer (KF), Careema Wilson (CW); Local Cllr - Ian Blake (IB)




Adoption of the Minutes from 7 March 2024

With no amendments, the minutes were approved by SWP and seconded by JC.  



  1. Replacement CSCC website manager- update. RM noted that Stephen Kilpatrick has promised to get in contact with Careema Wilson (CW) (a newly co-opted member of CSCC), who has volunteered to take this work on. SWP again noted the need for urgency in relation to this issue to allow the Local Place Plan (LPP) information to be put on the website asap. To consider at the next meeting. (GW/SWP/CW)
  2. Rural Post Office service update. GW informed members that the post office van is off the road for two weeks because of staff holidays. GW has recently been given a helpline number, which he will use to see if he can get further information on this issue. To consider at the next meeting. (GW)
  3. Damaged footbridge on the Sandyhills to Portling coastal path. ECT informed members that a temporary repair to the footbridge has been carried out by the manager of the holiday park. A more permanent repair by D&G Council is awaited. To consider at the next meeting. (DS/SWP)
  4. Dalbeattie Banking Hub. SWP sought clarification on this issue and informed members that the Bank of Scotland’s mobile banking service will no longer be available in Dalbeattie from May but the RBS mobile banking service, which visits Kippford on Wednesdays, will be continuing. This matter is now closed.  (SWP) 



The police report was sent to members prior to the meeting. GW posted this on local WhatsApp group sites. The key item in the report was about sheep worrying – the dangers of letting dogs off leads; the impact on livestock and farmers; the relevant legislative powers; the possible penalties. The latter include a fine of £40,000, disqualification from owning a dog or a 12-month custodial sentence. The police report also includes information leaflets and posters to display in local communities.  CS drew members’ attention to a number of recent related newspaper articles particularly one about a local farmer whose business was significantly adversely affected by sheep worrying incidents. He noted that other media sources suggested this was one of the biggest problems facing farmers in Scotland.



The following Treasurer’s report (for April 2024) was forwarded to members prior to the meeting:

Transaction Date

Transaction Description




















Members agreed the planned expenditure for April, including the annual payment for the use of Colvend Public Hall plus various Gala-related costs. SWP stated that expenses connected with the LPP needed to be covered before the next meeting. In response to the suggestion by PS (at the March meeting) about providing a clearer picture to members of the public about the state of CSCC’s finances, JR said that subtracting committed, but not yet spent, funding, there is a general reserve of approximately £9,500. JR will present the annual accounts at the AGM in May. 



Placeholder until re-activated when there was something new to report. 



Prior to the meeting, SWP submitted a report detailing progress on a number of the projects and the community involvement initiatives mentioned below. This document is available on the CSCC website. The following is a summary of issues discussed at the meeting that are additional to those included in the Projects report. 

  1. Kippford Nature Reserve Memorial Shelter update. Contracts have been exchanged with Finn Barlow and workshop-based work started. (SWP) This project is on-going.
  2. Information Centre update. The Dumfries iCentre on the Sands at Dumfries will be closing in the next 2 years. A request has been put to the Manager for Colvend to have any surplus leaflets (SWP) This project is ongoing.
  3. Resilience Team grant application. Grant decision has been delayed because of the large number of applications. (SWP/JS) This project is on-going. 
  4. Rockcliffe pier. No additional issues discussed. (SWP) This project is ongoing.
  5. Rockcliffe Bus Shelter. No additional issues discussed. (JC) This project is now closed.
  6. D&G Regional Grant Application. This is considered in the LPP update section under Planning.  
  7. Rockcliffe Toilets renovation. PIR (passive infrared sensor) lighting has now been installed in the toilets. There are no problems with the flooring. (JC/SWP) This project is now closed.  



  1. Evening Talks Programme. JC said that, despite a no-show by one of the speakers, the series of talks has been well-attended and very successful. A further event has been organised by Maggie Nichol.  This will take place at Colvend Public Hall on Friday 19 April at 7.30 p.m. and involves a film about rewilding Scotland, ‘Why not Scotland?’. Posters have been distributed and tickets are available, free of charge, at Colvend shop.  (JC) This item is on-going.
  2. 2024 Colvend Family Gala. JC said the gala (on Saturday 25 May) is more or less organised. Unfortunately, the local RNLI crew are no longer able to attend and one of the two children’s face painters is unable to attend. In conjunction with Roan’s Milk Bar provision, TR will provide coffee and tea. This will mean people need to be encouraged to go into the marquee, which might be problematic if it is sunny day. (JC, SW, JR, CW) This item is ongoing.
  3. Knit and Natter. This group will stop meeting at the Clonyard for the next few months, returning there in the autumn. Members of the group will continue to meet at each other’s homes in the meantime. (SWP)



  1. 22/0197/SCO Scoping Opinion – paused awaiting applicant response.
  2. 23/1426/FUL Sandyhills proposed car park development – rolling agenda item. PS informed members that there is nothing new on the planning website. The next Planning Applications Committee (PAC) is due to take place on 24 April and the agenda for the meeting will be published the week before on 17 April as per council procedure. As this is relatively short notice, in readiness members of SSG are putting together a three-minute response to deliver at the (PAC) meeting. 
  3. 23/1711/CLE Certificate of Lawfulness – paused awaiting determination from Planning. 
  4. 23/2027/SCR Screening Request related to 23/1426/FUL. No further information on this point. 
  5. Local Place Plan.  The Projects report mentioned in the following bullet points provides details on the progress being made in relation to a number projects and the community involvement initiatives. This document is available on the CSCC website. (SWP)
  • D&G Coastal Benefit Fund grant application status. See Projects report for details on this application. In relation to the short fall in funding of 25%, RM suggested that this short fall be subsidised by CSCC’s own funds and that the postal drop be carried out by CSCC members and volunteers. This was approved unanimously by members present at the meeting. 
  • LPP Fund grant application.  As noted in the Projects report, a grant of £1,741.71 from the LPP Fund of the Scottish Government has been offered. Members discussed the potential use of this funding (see the Projects report). There was unanimous approval from members at the meeting regarding the acceptance and use of this funding. CSCC is thus authorised to accept the grant. 
  • Other funds. See Projects report for details about this. 
  • Housing Needs and Demand Assessment and Site Appraisal. The CSCC unanimously agreed that the shortfall of £1500, that will not be covered by the D&G Coastal Benefit Fund, should be met by the transfer of £900 from the LPP Fund (previously agreed with N. Hill D&GC) and £600 from CSCC reserves.
  • Number of properties in CSCC area. In relation to the postal drop (see first bullet point above), SWPinformed members that there are 640 properties in the area.  



  1. .JC said that more litter bins are needed along the footpaths around Rockcliffe in order to prevent people leaving ‘poo bags’ on tree branches and along pathways. DS to investigate availability of further bins.
  2. JC informed members that Colvend Public Hall has applied to the Net Zero Fund for funding to install solar panels on the roof, upgrade insulation, replace current heating appliances and other improvements. The application, for £75,000 has been accepted in principle and progressed to the next stage. JC now has 10 days to fully complete the application, which includes having a letter of acceptance/support from the Community Council. JR asked if the application were successful would any ‘top up’ funding be required from CSCC and JC confirmedno such further funding would be sought. JC requested that such a letter be drafted by CSCC to support this development. Members of CSCC fully support this and agreed that such a letter be drafted.  
  3. DB noted that, following road works, there has been a vast improvement in the condition of the roads in Kippford. 
  4. Dangerous condition of A710 road surface. DS said that repairs would begin to take place in May but that this would depend on weather conditions. FG commented on the number of dangerous potholes when entering Dalbeattie High Street from the A710, noting that some people have said they would prefer to shop in Castle Douglas to avoid these.   
  5. MP raised the issue of huge delays due to traffic queues on the A75 bypass into Dumfries.
  6. DS informed members that there is to be a major review of local bus services, in relation to passenger use and the subsidies involved.
  7. SWP informed members that SEPA (Scottish Environment Protection Agency) is carrying out a review of Potential Vulnerable Areas (PVAs) in relation to flooding. The designation of PVAs takes into consideration past, current and future flood risk from rivers, the sea and surface water using recorded events, observations and strategic flood modelling. SEPA are now consulting on proposed updates to PVAs for 2024. SWP said that a number of areas in the locality that are currently on the list of PVAs, are not a flood risk and could be removed. There was general discussion about this topic. There was unanimous agreement among members present thatSWP, on behalf of CSCC, should take part in the consultation.  
  8. SWP informed members that Scott McMeeken had been in touch to advise that Kimberley Philips would be returning as our Ward Officer. He also advised that he had sent an email of appreciation to Scott with thanks from the Community Council as a whole.
  9. RM drew members’ attention to the article in the current edition of Galloway News concerning the potential closure of Southwick Church and Rev John Murdoch’s statements about this.
  10. RM noted that Community Councils have been offered, free of charge, a portrait of His Majesty King Charles. As representatives of Colvend Public Hall have declined to have the portrait on display in the hall, he wondered whether Kippford Hall might want to display the portrait. DB agreed to ask about this at the next Kippford Association meeting.   



AGM 7.00 PM


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