Thursday 5 September 2024 at 7 pm in Colvend Public Hall
PRESENT: Chair - Roderick Morriss (RM); Vice Chair - Simon Pain (SWP); Treasurer – John Rowland (JR); Secretary – Gordon Webster (GW); Elected CCs: John Coates (JC), Kenneth Coltart (KC), Kristine Filer (KF), Tracey Roan (TR); Local Cllr: David Stitt; (DS); Kippford Association Representative – David Butler (DB); Police Scotland WPC Alison Blacklock (AB), PC John Brown (JB); Minute Secretary - Gwen Coates (GC)
MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Richard Bond (RB), Sarah Gell (SG), Lee Maxwell (LM), Maggie Nicol (MN), Tom Nicol (TN), Mhairi Watkins (MW), Save Sandyhills Group (SSG) Representative - Peter Shaw (PS)
APOLOGIES: Elected CC: Matthew Pumphrey (MP), Co-opted CC: Elspeth Collins-Taylor (ECT), Careema Wilson (CW); Local Cllrs: Ian Blake (IB), Kim Lowe (KL)
Adoption of the Minutes from 2May 2024
The minutes were proposed by JR and seconded by JC.
- New CSCC website - update. CW was not present and thus no additional information was provided on this matter. To consider at the next meeting. (CW/JR/GW)
- Damaged footbridge on the Sandyhills to Portling coastal path – update. ECT was not present but sent a note to members prior to the meeting. The note informed members that the council have appointed a contractor to renew the bridge and are awaiting a start date. A section 11 temporary closure notice will need to be posted and an alternative route publicised. The work is expected to take no more than a week. To consider at the next meeting. (ECT/SWP)
- Land registry search to establish ‘wee pier’ ownership. DB informed members that it has been established that the pier belongs to the crown estate. The Kippford Association is currently considering what further action to take on this matter and DB agreed to discuss this further with SWP. (See item under ‘Robin Rigg Community Fund’ in the Projections section for a related issue.) To consider at the next meeting. (DB)
- Woodland tree planting opportunities/bracken clearance working group. The Projects report indicates that no progress has yet been made in identifying sites for woodland planting. It was reported that some bracken clearance has been completed but that there is still much more to do. There was a call for volunteers to assist with this. KF and JC agreed to work with RM on aspects of this matter. To consider at the next meeting. (SWP)
This was circulated to members prior to this meeting. AB reiterated issues mentioned in the report: a recent incident of the theft of a horsebox in the Barend area; the need to be aware of the potential dangers of mobile phone use by children; a police drop-in session to take place at Colvend Public Hall on 23 September 2024 (9.00 to 9.45). SWP said that a large number of people were expected to attend the official opening of the Kippford Nature Reserve Memorial Shelter and asked the police officers if he needed to inform them of this event, given the amount of traffic expected. AB suggested that, given the location and duration, this was not necessary.
The July/August Treasurer’s report was forwarded to members prior to the meeting.
Current Account |
Transaction Date |
Transaction Description |
Debit £ |
Credit £ |
Balance £ |
30/08/2024 |
SIMON W PAIN (Newsletter) |
70.08 |
1,522.59 |
06/08/2024 |
UNI OFGLASGOW (Resilience Grant) |
500.00 |
1,592.67 |
05/08/2024 |
ALBA PRINTERS LTD (Resilience leaflet) |
235.00 |
1,092.67 |
19/07/2024 |
THE FORGE SQUAD (Kipp Shelter) |
9,333.00 |
1,327.67 |
19/07/2024 |
COLVEND SOUTHWICK - Xfer from saving acct |
9,000.00 |
10,660.67 |
12/07/2024 |
UK WEB SOLUTIONS (Domain Registration) |
16.79 |
1,660.67 |
05/07/2024 |
23.99 |
1,677.46 |
05/07/2024 |
COLVEND PUBLIC (Community Meeting) |
37.50 |
1,701.45 |
Savings Account |
09-Aug-24 |
19.73 |
17,050.29 |
19-Jul-24 |
COLVEND SOUTHWICK 802260 19447466 |
9,000.00 |
17,030.56 |
09-Jul-24 |
26.86 |
26,030.56 |
10-Jun-24 |
3.70 |
26,003.70 |
Notice Account |
£10,092.30 |
Total at Bank |
28,665.177 |
The treasurer asked to be notified of up and coming expenditures.
Placeholder until re-activated when there is something new to report.
Prior to the meeting, SWP submitted a Projects Report detailing progress on a number of the projects, community involvement initiatives and Local Place Plan (LPP) issues, all of which are discussed below. This document is available on the CSCC website. The following is a summary of issues discussed at the meeting that are additional to those included in the Projects report.
- Kippford Nature Reserve Memorial Shelter. No issues additional to those in the Projects Report were discussed. (SWP) This project is on-going.
- Combined leaflet drops – update. This item is explained under the ‘Resilience Leaflets' item in the Projects Report. Most distribution areas have now been covered although still more needs to be done in Kippford. SWP gave thanks on behalf of CSCC to all those volunteers involved in stuffing leaflets into envelopes and in their delivery. (SWP) This project is on-going.
- Robin Rigg Community Fund – ideas for projects. Applications for funding need to be in by 11 November 2024. SWP suggested CSCC might wish to pursue funding to renovate the ‘wee pier’ at Kippford - the Kippford Association have formally indicated that they will not be proceeding with the renovation of the pier. He suggested that if such work does go ahead, the inclusion of a storm gate should be included. JC suggested funding might be sought to assist with clearing the coastal path, which in some places is almost impenetrable. KF said that some parts of the path have been cleared but much still needs to be done. SWP said that D&G council have said that they will be establishing a contract to do this. RM and KF agreed to do some work on this next week. (SWP) This project is on-going.
- Repair of Colvend Noticeboard. Repairs to the noticeboard will be done using glass rather than perspex to ensure legibility and at a cost reduction to using perspex. (SWP) This project is on-going.
- A way ahead for the Portling and Southwick Defibrillator installations. SWP has written to the coastguard HQ. He noted that it is possible to buy solar powered cabinets, which, although expensive, is a way forward for both Portling and for Southwick. RM asked if the Robin Rigg Community Fund might be a suitable source of funding for this project. SWP was not sure. The British Heart Foundation would probably supply defibrillators but was unlikely to fund the solar powered cabinets. SG said that the first responders’ team in Dalbeattie provide free defibrillators. Those present then discussed their own experiences of recent defibrillator training. (SWP) This project is on-going.
- Proposal to establish a breakfast club and an after-school club at Colvend Primary School. MW and SG, whose children have recently joined Colvend Primary School, would like to establish a breakfast club and an after-school club – if there is sufficient demand. So far, they said, there has not been a lot of interest from local families. Their hope is that if these clubs get started, it will encourage more takers. They asked if CSCC could help by raising this idea via the local WhatsApp groups. This was agreed. To consider at the next meeting. (MW)
- Closure of Visit Scotland in Dumfries. SWP told members that approximately 50% of the display material in Colvend Information Centre has disappeared. He assumes this is as a result of the closure of the Visit Scotland organisation in Dumfries and the clearing of their material from the Colvend centre. He said he is trying to find out if CSCC can, despite the closure in Dumfries, continue to provide, in the local information centre, the leaflets and other information that support local businesses and facilities. He asked members if they would support this – all agreed. SWP noted that he is still wanting to repair the displays in the information centre. He also said that he will ask the headteacher of Colvend Primary School if she might get local children to make new pictures to display in the centre. (SWP)
- A member of the community council is needed to fulfil this important role. As noted in the minutes of the July meeting, Julian Stanning wishes to relinquish his role as coordinator. RM has agreed to take his place and will be helped by ECT. (RM, ECT)
- Launch of Housing Needs and Demand Survey. This is discussed under the Planning section, below. (SWP)
- NatureScot have offered the community council a briefing on the new National Park proposal. Members welcomed such a presentation but agreed that it should be made jointly to members of CSCC and the local community. As well as an impartial reporter providing information on the process involved, it was also suggested that the presentation should explain arguments for and against the proposal so that attendees are able to gain a full understanding of the issues involved. RM asked if such a presentation could be organised for Friday 18 October 2024. There was some discussion about controlling the number of attendees in order to remain within relevant fire and safety regulation for Colvend Public Hall. (GW)
- FLS’ commercial relationships with private companies. MN raised concerns about FLS selling off/leasing woodland to commercial users when its brief is to act with regard to the ‘public benefit’.
- advised, at the request of MN, he had contacted the Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland (ERCS) and arranged a zoom meeting with one of their solicitors Friday 6 September and that both he and MN would attend. DS noted that FLS has little or no funding from the government and thus such activity provides an income stream. It was also suggested the issue be mentioned in the LPP. (MN/GW)
- 22/0197/SCO Scoping Opinion – paused awaiting applicant response.
- 23/1426/FUL Sandyhills proposed car park development – rolling agenda item.
- 23/1711/CLE Certificate of Lawfulness – paused awaiting determination from Planning.
- 23/2027/SCR Screening Request related to 23/1426/FUL.
- told members that there have been no further developments on any of the above points. The next D&G Council Planning meeting is on 26 September 2024. (PS)
- Local Place Plan (LPP). SWP told members that the LPP team will shortly be meeting with the South of Scotland Community Housing organisation to ‘kick off’ the Housing Needs Assessment Community Survey. This will take place in the latter half of September and throughout October in the CSCC area. (SWP)
- Proposal to allow SWP a discretionary purchase amount without seeking full community council pre-approval. JR suggested that SWP get agreement/signature from at least one of the 3 office holders before any funds are spent. This is in line with CSCC and D&G Council requirements. It was agreed that this should be up to a maximum of £100.
- GW advised that 9 valid CC nomination forms had been received by the submission deadline. This means not all current CCs have submitted nomination forms and roles may need to be reviewed.
- JR queried the level of community benefits arising from the Robin Rigg windfarm contract, especially if their operating licence is to be extended. SWP agreed to discuss this with the Solway Heritage organisation.
- MW raised the issue of speed limits on the road near Colvend Primary School. DS informed members that, on the basis of D&G Council criteria for determining speed limits, no changes were being considered. However, he did say that he would explore this further. MW asked if footpaths or cycle paths on the main road might be considered in relation to the importance of ‘active travel’. MN supported this and reiterated the concerns about speed limits. RM asked if MN might look into this further.
- SWP reminded those present to report potholes to the D&G Council as he suggested that it is only when a cluster of potholes in an area are reported that action is likely to be taken. He also said that local road signs need to be cleaned as many are no longer legible. DS said that he would pursue this. SWP raised the issue of CW being unable to attend CSCC meetings because of child care commitments. There was some discussion about the issue of inclusivity and whether an inability to attend meetings in person meant that some individuals/groups of individuals might be excluded from involvement in CSCC issues. This led to a discussion about the possibilities of virtual attendance. MN suggested that the CSCC monthly agenda be put on the local WhatsApp groups so that people can see what’s on and may be encouraged to attend. RM suggested exploring the various options for virtual meetings, the equipment needed and whether funding to facilitate this might be available.
- RM said CSCC acknowledged the points raised in the letter sent by Stuart Roan about the National Park proposal. He also informed members that the outcome of community council elections will be available on Thursday 3 October 2024.
We encourage people who live in the area to attend these interesting meetings! Find out what is going on in your community.
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If further copies of these minutes are required, please email